Lesson plans for each week are based on the elements of art, but have many different perspective each season as we build on learning new techniques and developing art skills. During each season we learn about art history, and ancient, past and presents artist. All classes will have 15 to 20 minutes of instruction that involve elements of making and designing arts and crafts. These teachings will be implement into training exercises, fun games and famous artist. 30 minutes will be reserved for creating and making art. Basic drawing and paint classes will have 45 minutes, working on projects, preparing students for the art show. Parents may attend some classes. Any students with special needs must discussed personally with me, to decide what options best suits the student's needs.
There are three locations for art classes, Bountiful, Millcreek, Taylorsville, or virtual through zoom online classes. Please make sure you select the correct class location when filling out the sign-up sheet. The sign-up sheet can be found here.
Class season are on going all Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer. Fall and Spring season are 16 weeks long. Summer is 4 weeks long. Children and adults can start at any time.
There are several class breaks that take place throughout the year.
Every year all participating students of all ages will have a opportunity to enter their art, creations and crafts into an art show. The submission deadline will be Friday by 6:00 PM MST, first week in December. The Art Show Exhibit will be the following weekend (second weekend in December), Saturday from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM MST. More information will be given as time approaches the time of the current year's exhibit.